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Volume 6   Number 2   June  2016





Today’s World Is Still in the Epoch of Financial Imperialism

Li Shenming


Communism Can Only Be Radical Plebeian Democracy: Remarks on the Experience of S. F. R. Yugoslavia and on Civil Society

Darko Suvin


Critiquing Hegemony of Capitalism: A Call for Popular Education

Kapil Dev Regmi


From Hegemony to Governmentality

Pranab Kanti Basu


Kirchnerism in Argentina: A Populist Dispute for Hegemony

Francisco Cantamutto


Organizing in the Informal Sector: A Case Study in Mumbai’s Shipbreaking Yards

Yanick Noiseux


“Hearing” Moism in Sandalwood Death: Mo Yan Thought as “the Spirit of Petty-Bourgeois Sentimentality and Social Fantasy”

Jerry Xie


Book Review

Historical Revisionism and Delegitimation of the Revolutionary and Anticolonial Tradition—A Review of War and Revolution: Rethinking the Twentieth Century by Domenico Losurdo

Stefano G. Azzarà and Leonardo Pegoraro


Information and Trends

On Cultural Progress and Diversity: Address at the First World Cultural Forum

Wang Weiguang


Exploring World Cultural Development and Advocating Progressive and Diversified Culture—Review of the First World Cultural Forum

Wang Zhongbao





发布时间:2017-04-29 21:31:00