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Volume 6   Number 1   March   2016





American Democracy, World Peace and the China Model—A Critical Analysis of Francis Fukuyama’s “At the ‘End of History’ Still Stands Democracy”

Cheng Enfu and Xie Chang’an


Concerning the “Warm Stream” within Marxism

Roland Boer


What Is, and What Is Not, a Capitalist Empire

James Parisot


Is Under-Consumption Responsible for Persistent Stagnation in the US Manufacturing Sector? Econometric Evidence and Implications for State Policy, 1965–2008

Shaukat Ansari


Keynesian versus Marxian Explanations of the Financial Crisis

Ismael Hossein-zadeh


The Dark Side of the Boom: Land Grabbing in Dependent Countries in the Twenty-First Century

Agostina Costantino


Oil in the West African Transform Margin: Dangers and Possibilities

Franklin Obeng-Odoom


Gun Lust: An Investigation into America’s Sordid Gun Addiction

Thomas Powell


Information and Trends

Review and Prospect of Chinese Study on Rosa Luxemburg

Ma Jiahong






发布时间:2017-04-29 21:31:00