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Volume 5   Number 3   September  2015





The Chinese Dream, the American Dream and the World Dream: Interview with Researcher Deng Chundong

Deng Chundong and Chen Zhigang



Comparing the Chinese Dream with the American Dream

David S. Pena


Restore the Truth: Traditional Chinese Law and Its Distortion by the Western Knowledge System

Xie Hongren


Torture, Inhumanity, and life Incoherence

Jeff Noonan


Ukraine: Anatomy of a Civil War

Alexander Buzgalin



What Is Political Science and What Should It Be?

Joan Roelofs


What Is Political Science? What Should It Be?

Bertell Ollman


Book Reviews

For a New Conspiracy of Equals: Review of The Killing Fields of Inequality by Göran Therborn

Tony Wood


Class Perspective on Classical Chinese and Roman Ideology as Used in Contemporary Political Theory: Review of Early China: A Social and Cultural History by Li Feng and The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People’s History of Ancient Rome by Michael Parenti

Toby Terrar and Dean Richards


Information and Trends

“Socialism and Man in Cuba” Revisited

Renzo Llorente



发布时间:2015-12-22 22:16:00