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Volume 5   Number 4   December  2015





Marx’s Methods of Theory Construction: Categories, Magnitudes, and Variations of Sizes of Magnitudes under Certain Idealizations

Igor Hanzel


Climate Change, Capitalism and Degrowth Trajectories to a Global Steady-State Economy

Max Koch


From Bandung (1955) to 2015: Old and New Challenges for the States, the Nations and the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America

Samir Amin


Some Thoughts on the Contentious State of Economics: Why So? What to Do?

Roy H. Grieve


Personal Freedom without Private Property? Hegel, Marx, and the Frankfurt School

Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch


Nishida Kitarō, Dialectics, and a 2010 Mozambican Food Riot

David Baronov


The Feminist Judgments Project: Legal Fiction as Critique and Praxis

Rosemary Hunter


Book Review

Review of Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis by Nancy Fraser

Elaine Coburn


Information and Trends

Perspectives on the Historical Origin and Essential Nature of 21st Century Socialism in Latin America

He Qin


The New Silk Road as an Emerging Model of Regional and International Economic Cooperation—A Brief Review of the International Symposium on “The New Silk Road and China-Africa Economic Relations”

Gong Jian and Ding Xiaoqin


Latin American Perspectives: A Journal on Capitalism and Socialism

