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Volume  8   Number  2   June  2018




To the 200th Anniversary of Karl Marx’s Birth



Enriching and Developing Marxism in the 21st Century at Various Levels: Six Definitions of Marxism

Cheng Enfu and Wang Zhongbao


Marx—From Hegel and Feuerbach to Adam Smith: A New Synthesis

Eric Rahim


To Be or Not to Be, That Is the Question? —Fragments of Marxist Theory on the Movements of Class Consciousness

Antonio Euzébios Filho


Bringing Both Class and the State Back In: Toward a Marxist Freedom Approach to Political Economy

Zhaochang Peng


Karl Marx and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

Carlos Astarita


Disillusioned with the Labour Movement: Late Marx and the Prospects of Revolution in Western Europe

Nicola D’Elia


“A Clean Break”: Clara Zetkin, the Socialist Women’s Movement and Feminism

Daniel Gaido and Cintia Frencia


Book Reviews

Capitalism, Socialism, and “the Gap between”: Review of Communist Study: Education for the Commons by Derek R. Ford

Curry Malott


Review of Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Democracy by Jerry Harris

Georgina Murray


The Second World Cultural Forum

For an Accurate and Comprehensive Understanding of the Cultural Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: Address at the Second World Cultural Forum

Wang Weiguang


Statement of the Second World Cultural Forum


Cultural Diversity in the World and Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics—Review of the Second World Cultural Forum

Zhai Chan