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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 2017




Big Data, Platform Economy and Market Competition: A Preliminary Construction of Plan-Oriented Market Economy System in the Information Era

Binbin Wang and Xiaoyan Li


Political Economy of Agency Employment: Flexibility or Exploitation?

Abdullah Z. Sheikh


Employment Generation under Globalization in India: Adverse Implications of Capitalism

Jasbir Singh


Kyrgyzstan’s Accession to the EEU: Why Do Apples Matter Anyway?

Deborah Dergousoff


Modernising Russia’s National Economic System: The Potential for Reindustrialisation

Sergey Bodrunov


Political Economy of Taxation in Sri Lanka

W. D. Lakshman


Book Review

The Buck Stops Here: The Return of US Decline

Michael Keaney



WAPE Membership Information


Guidelines for Contributors


Call for Papers: The October Revolution: Promoting the Development of World Economy and Improving People’s LivelihoodThe Twelfth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy