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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 4, No. 4, December 2013



The Reduction of Inequality in Latin America during the 2000–2010 Decade: A Path to Development?

Ana Maria Rita Milani


Political Economy for 21st Century Models of Social Democracy and Socialism: Following up the Issues raised by David Harvey

Makoto Itoh


Brazil: Extractive Capitalism and the Great Leap Backward

James Petras


Régulation Approach to Financial Crisis: Potential Economic Policies under Structural Changes of Institution

Takayuki Nakahara


Analysis on the Factors that Influence the Utilization Rate of Renewable Energy in the Framework of Marxist Reproduction

Yan Ma, Zhangliang Chen, and Yun Li


WAPE 2013 Forum: Inequalities and World Capitalism—Analysis, Policy and Action

Opening Speech at the Eighth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy

Enfu Cheng


Winners of World Marxian Economics Award (2013)


Speech upon Receiving the World Marxian Economics Award (I)

Xinghua Wei


Speech upon Receiving the World Marxian Economics Award (II)

Theotonio Dos Santos Júnior


Winners of Distinguished Achievement Award of World Political Economy of the 21st Century (2013)


Inequalities and World Capitalism: Analysis, Policy and Action—A Statement of the Eighth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy


A Review of the Eighth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy

Xiaoqin Ding and Yanqing Guo



WAPE 2014 Forum Call for Papers


WAPE Membership Information


Guidelines for Contributors

