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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 3, Fall 2017



Special Issue: Small States in the Multi-Polar World

Co-edited by Petar Kurecic


Small States in the Multi-Polar World: Introduction

Petar Kurecic


Fragmentation and Weakening of States: Instruments of Global Domination

Alberto Martínez Delgado


Small States and Regional Economic Integrations in the Multi-polar World: Regional Differences in the Levels of Integration and Patterns of Small States’ Vulnerability

Petar Kurecic


Human Development Strategy in Small States

Tim Anderson


Latin American “Neo-developmentism,” State Action and Supranational Realignment: What Consequences to Multipolarity?

Sergio Ordóñez and Carlos Sánchez


The Social Democratic Small State Strategy and Immigration: Sweden in the 21st Century

Mara Fridell


Smallness of the Economy as a (Dis)advantage: The Evidence from Selected Interdependent Macroeconomic Data

Petar Kurecic, Goran Luburic, and Goran Kozina



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