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  World Review of Political Economy

  Journal of the World Association for Political Economy

  Volume 3 • Number 3 • Autumn 2012




  Speeches at the Seventh Forum of the World Association for Political Economy

  Enfu Cheng

  Speech upon Receiving the Marxian Economics Award (I)

  Makoto Itoh

  Speech upon Receiving the Marxian Economics Award (II)

  Xunhua Zhang


  From the Crisis of Surplus Value to the Crisis of the Euro

  Guglielmo Carchedi

  Explaining Levels of Inequality in OECD Nations by Using Rates of Surplus Value and Profit to Wage Ratios

  Thomas E. Lambert

  Towards a Theory of Endogenous Financial Instability and Debt-Deflation

  Bill Lucarelli

  Who is the Exchange Rate Manipulator: China or America?

  Wei Liu and Libing Deng

  South-North Nurse Migration and Accumulation by Dispossession in the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Centuries

  Salimah Valiani

  Academic Frontiers

  A Review of the Seventh Forum of the World Association for Political Economy

  Xiaoqin Ding

  State, Market, the Public and Human Development in the 21st Century: A Statement of the Seventh Forum of the World Association for Political Economy


  The Academic Career and Economic Thought of Yifeng Wu

  Yuling Han, Frank F. Long, and Junyong Zhang