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Post-Communist Economies


Post-Communist Economies is a refereed journal whose aim is to advance our understanding of the economic institutions, policies and performance of the ex-communist countries. The journal’s focus is primarily on European post-communist economies, including all the countries of the former Soviet Union, but we also consider papers on Mongolia, China and Vietnam. The emphasis is on papers that convey the findings of original research. ‘Think-pieces’ and survey articles, however, are not excluded, provided they are of high quality. The journal’s focus is chiefly on applied economics and political economy but papers that are of a primarily theoretical nature will be considered if the authors demonstrate their relevance to our core themes.


Those themes include reform policies, institutional change and economic performance at micro-, meso- and macro-economic levels; cross-country comparative analysis and international economic relations are also strongly featured in papers published in the journal.


All submitted articles are refereed by a board of academic specialists in the journal’s field of coverage and, in addition, where appropriate, by an external specialist referee.


Source: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cpce20/current


发布时间:2017-04-29 10:15:00