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Rethinking Marxism




Rethinking Marxism is a peer-reviewed journal produced by the Association for Economic and Social Analysis and published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis.


The aim of Rethinking Marxism is to stimulate interest in and debate over the explanatory power and social consequences of Marxian economic, cultural, and social analysis. To that end, it publishes studies that seek to discuss, elaborate, and/or extend Marxian theory. Its concerns include theoretical and philosophical (methodological and epistemological) matters as well as more concrete empirical analyses - all work that leads to the further development of distinctively Marxian discourses. It encourages contributions from people in many disciplines and from a wide range of perspectives. It is also interested in expanding the diversity of styles for producing and presenting Marxian discourses.


One distinguishing aim of this journal is to ensure that class is an important part, but not the exclusive focus, of Marxism. It is therefore interested in the complex intersection of class with economic, political, psychological, and all other social processes. Equally important is the task of exploring the philosophical positions that shape Marxian analyses.


Rethinking Marxism is interested in promoting Marxian approaches to social theory because it believes that they can and should play an important role in developing strategies for radical social change-in particular, for an end to class exploitation and the various forms of political, cultural, and psychological oppression (including oppression on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation). The journal especially welcomes research that explores these and related issues from Marxian perspectives.


Source: http://rethinkingmarxism.org/



发布时间:2017-04-29 10:07:00