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Communist and Post-Communist Studies



Communist and Post-Communist Studies is an international journal covering all communist and post-communist states and communist movements, including both their domestic policies and their international relations. It is focused on the analysis of historical as well as current developments in the communist and post-communist world, including ideology, economy and society. It also aims to provide comparative foci on a given subject (e.g. education in China) by inviting comments of a comparative character from scholars specializing in the same subject matter but in different countries (e.g. education in Poland or Romania).


In addition to the traditional disciplines of history, political science, economics and international relations, the editors encourage the submission of articles in less developed fields of social sciences and humanities, such as cultural anthropology, education, geography, religion and sociology.


Source: https://www.elsevier.com/



发布时间:2017-04-29 10:06:00