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Communist Party of Australia greetings to the heroic people of Cuba on the 70th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada barracks on 26th July 1953

The Communist Party of Australia salutes the Cuban revolution and its revolutionary government led by the Communist Party of Cuba on the 70th anniversary of the heroic spark of the Cuban revolution.


The young revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro on 26th July 1953 stood against the tyrannical government of Fulgencio Batista by launching military attacks on the heart of the dictatorship, the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes barracks.


The event in which the majority of the participants were killed in combat or captured and tortured to death showed the weakness of a system that had to be changed for independence and self-determination. This of course included the US domination on the homeland of José Martí.


The Moncada which marks the day of national revelry is also considered the spark of the Cuban revolution that successfully defeated the Batista’s dictatorship and overthrew its government on 1st January 1959.


The US has not forgiven the people of Cuba for their desire and strong determination to build a better society for all, a socialist society just 145 km away from the United States. It began its attacks on the Cuban people straight from that historic victory.


Cuba has been subjected to a cruel and inhumane criminal and illegal blockade by the United States. More than 60 years of coercive measures and limitations imposed on the people of Cuba have not prevented their will to defend the gains of their socialist revolution and the lessons from the Moncada.


The strong leadership by commander Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Miguel Diaz-Canel and all the historic leaders of the revolution are a guarantee that the people of Cuba will overcome and the criminal blockade eventually will be lifted.


The Communist Party of Australia demands the end of the US blockade on Cuba and calls on the Australian government to use its diplomatic means with the US government to remove Cuba from the US unilateral list of countries sponsors of terrorism and to stop its subversive actions against the people of Cuba.


On this anniversary the Communist Party of Australia also stands in solidarity with the Cuban government in denouncing the recent incursion of a US submarine into Cuban waters. The US must end their illegal occupation of Guantánamo Bay and return it to the Cuban people.


Fraternal and mutual beneficial diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba are possible. The US just needs to allow Cuba to choose its own system.


Long live the heroes of Moncada!

Long live Cuba!

Long live Fidel!


Communist Party of Australia, CPA


26th July 2023



Editor: Zhong YaoDeng Panyi




发布时间:2023-11-09 16:52:00