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The Great Contribution of the CPC to the World Socialist Movement over the Past Hundred Years

Hui Jiang


Since its founding, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has placed striving for socialism and communism at the core of its program. The CPC is a firm believer in and practitioner of Marxism and scientific socialism, an active promoter of the world socialist movement and the international communist movement, and also a leader of and major contributor to the innovative development of Marxism and world socialism in the twenty-first century. Employing historical analysis, this article analyzes the different stages of the party’s 100-year history, and demonstrates that the Chinese revolution led by the party has been a key element in the progress of the international communist movement. The party has created, upheld and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics, promoting reform and opening-up and pursuing the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In this way, the party has played a major role in promoting the development of world socialism, accumulating important experience for socialists internationally. As humanity enters a new era in the twenty-first century, socialism with Chinese characteristics represents a major contribution made by the CPC to the world socialist movement.


KEYWORDS: Communist Party of China; world socialism; international communist movement; Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era


From: International Critical Thought 2021 11 (4)

Editor: Wang Yi

发布时间:2023-07-17 15:18:00