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Spaces of Capital, Moments of Struggle: A Review of the Eighth Annual Historical Materialism Conference

Feng Yanli & Liu Zixu



The eighth annual conference of historical materialism, sponsored by a critical Marxist journal of the same name, was held in London from 10 to 13 November 2011 with the theme of ‘spaces of capital, moments of struggle’. Echoing the on-going international social movements in general and the forthcoming general strike in London in particular, the conference attracted Marxist and leftist scholars and activists from many countries around the world. This paper summarizes some of the highlights of this important event, with the hope of informing those who were not able to attend but wish to hear what was presented in London.


Keywords: Historical Materialism; Marxism crisis; social movement; anti-capitalism


From: International Critical Thought 2012 2 (1)

Editor: Wang Yi


发布时间:2021-10-23 21:31:00