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The Historical Contribution of the October Revolution to the Economic and Social Development of the Soviet Union—Analysis of the Soviet Economic Model and the Causes of Its Dramatic End

Cheng Enfu & Liu Zixu



Written in response to a range of problems and debates, this paper provides an objective evaluation of the various stages in the economic development of the Soviet Union, as well as of the causes behind the dramatic changes experienced as that development proceeded. The paper thus explains the historical significance of the October Revolution for the economic and social development of the Soviet Union. The analysis begins with studies of War Communism and of the New Economic Policy as correct choices necessitated by their historical contexts. Then follows an examination of the road of socialist construction as opened up by the October Revolution. The achievements recorded along this road are held to have been greater than the mistakes committed. The paper concludes by pointing out three major causes that in the view of the author led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. These causes were at a basic level, long-term confusion in the field of theory and ideas; as a key factor, organizational and policy mistakes over an extended period; and as the fatal blow and immediate cause, the political betrayal represented by “perestroika and new thinking.”


KEYWORDS: October Revolution; Soviet Union; economic and social development; the dissolution of the Soviet Union


From: International Critical Thought 2017 7 (3)

Editor: Wang Yi


发布时间:2021-10-23 21:25:00