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Dialogue on Occupy Wall Street Movement between Sino-American Economists

Cheng Enfu, David M. Kotz, David Laibman, James Craven, Yang Chengxun & Zhang Xinning



Editor's note: The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) Movement began on 17 September 2011 in New York, the financial center of America, and originally started by a few hundred people, has spread to major capitalist countries and turned into a worldwide social movement. OWS is the largest protest both in scale and range since 1970s in the United States. However, the Western media beat the bush and distort the fundamental downside of American political institutions, which makes it difficult for people from other countries to uncover the real cause of the rise of the OWS movement. Here we invite both Chinese and American economists to assist us to deeply analyze the OWS movement.


From: International Critical Thought 2012 2 (4)

Editor: Wang Yi


发布时间:2021-10-23 21:21:00