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Fundamental Elements of the China Model

Cheng Enfu & Xin Xiangyang



The present study takes as its departure point theoretical reflections on the concept of ‘model’ for a discussion of the China model in particular, a model that has attracted increasing attention all over the world due to China's dramatic development. It surveys the origin and major conceptualizations of the China model in both the Chinese and the international context and presents on that basis a series of fundamental constituents of the China model in relation to China's economic, political, cultural and social development. Its central point is that the China model expresses socialism with Chinese characteristics, and therefore constitutes a developing country model with qualities that are specific to the Chinese context.


Keywords: China model; socialism with Chinese characteristics


From: International Critical Thought 2011 1 (1)

Editor: Wang Yi


发布时间:2021-10-23 21:20:00