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Beat Schneider, Emeritus Professor at the Bern University of the Arts in Switzerland, came to the Academy of Marxism for exchange
     Release time: 2024-05-21
  On the morning of April 17, 2024, Beat Schneider, Emeritus Professor at the Bern University of the Arts in Switzerland, left-wing activist and former member of the Federal Assembly (Switzerland), came to the Academy of Marxism for exchange after his last visit half a year ago.  Professor Schneider has deep insights into the Chinese history and culture as well as the history of the People’s Republic of China. China’s Long March to Modernity: From a Non-Eurocentric Perspective, published in December 2022, is his most influential masterpiece which has been reprinted in Europe. 
  Xin Xiangyang, Party Secretary and President of the Academy  of Marxism, Lin Jianhua, Vice-President of the Academy  of Marxism, and other scholars carried out an in-depth, frank and fruitful discussion on a series of issues that Professor Schneider was concerned about, such as the universality of Marxism, the laws and trends of human history and development of the times, the so-called “middle-income trap,” the periodization of the historical stages of China’s socialist construction since the founding of the new China and the historical orientation of the new era.   
  Professor Schneider said that answers and analysis of the scholars provided him with an opportunity to have a multi-dimensional and deeper understanding of Marxism adapted to the Chinese context and the needs of the times and Chinese-style modernization. After returning to Europe, he would introduce the development achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics, especially socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, to the Marxists and communist parties in German-speaking countries more actively and firmly. Xin Xiangyang expressed his appreciation of Professor Schneider’s work and contributions, and hoped to further strengthen academic exchanges and contacts between the two sides in the future.
  This exchange activity was presided over by Lin Jianhua, and the participants included researchers Zhang Jianyun, Hou Weimin, Liu Xukuan, and associate researcher Li Kaixuan.
(Provided by Li Kaixuan)
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