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Leslie Sklair:The Transnational Capitalist Class, Social Movements, and Alternatives to Capitalist Globalization
     Release time: 2024-08-16
  This paper attempts to rethink and globalize the concept of the capitalist class, to suggest ways in which this class uses social movements, and to explore what might come after capitalist globalization and the hegemony of the transnational capitalist class (TCC). The first section of the paper provides evidence that there is now a flourishing community of scholars largely but not exclusively connected with the Network for Critical Studies of Global Capitalism (NCSGC), who are building a substantial foundation for research on the transnational capitalist class all over the world. The next section poses questions around the hegemony of the TCC and highlights the importance of what is conceptualized as social movements for global capitalism. Relatively little attention is paid to this compared to the vast literature on social movements against global capitalism. The paper concludes with the question: Is there a non-capitalist alternative to globalization dominated by the TCC? The answer begins with the aphorism: “It is easier to imagine the end of the world, than to imagine the end of capitalism.” My view is that this expresses a profound truth, forcing us to begin again to think through what we once conceptualized as democratic socialism.
  KEYWORDS: Transnational capitalist class; social movements; socialism; anarchism; globalization
  From: International Critical Thought 2016 6 (3)
  Editor: Wang Yi
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