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IMT BRITAIN: Theses on the coming British revolution
     Release time: 2024-04-23
  Capitalism worldwide is in a state of terminal decline. The deep slump of 2008-09, which resulted in an unprecedented collapse, proved to be a qualitative turning-point of the world crisis, compounded by the further slump and pandemic of 2020-21.
  The capitalists only managed to avoid a depression by one of the greatest state bailouts in the history of capitalism, which, according to the logic of their system, must now be paid back by the sacrifices of the working class.
  All the accumulated contradictions of the past period are bursting to the surface with dramatic effect. Unprecedented volatility and instability reigns everywhere, and at all levels: economic, social, political, military, diplomatic, environmental.
  The latest shock, in a series of shocks to the system, has been the war in Gaza, which has intensified the upheavals and added fuel to the fires of discontent everywhere.
  There will be many other shocks and sources of instability to add to the turmoil in the period opening up. We are in an epoch of sharp turns and sudden changes.
  As Marx explained, where a society is incapable of developing the productive forces in any meaningful way, this opens up an epoch of social revolution. This is precisely the situation we are in today.
  With the decline of world capitalism, the objective conditions for revolution are developing everywhere, beginning with deep splits in the ruling class.
  We have made great strides forward. Yes, we have weaknesses, which we will overcome by common effort. We need to educate and steel ourselves for the events that impend.
  We must set ourselves the goal of reaching 5,000 and then 10,000 members in a measurable short space of time. The objective situation demands it. This will allow us to build a base in every locality, workplace, and trade union.
  In the revolutionary storms that lie ahead, a small revolutionary party can emerge onto the scene and rapidly grow amongst the working class.
  Such was the case with the Spanish POUM, a centrist organisation (i.e. one that wavered between reformism and revolution), which grew from about 2,000 members to 40,000 or 50,000 in a matter of weeks in the heat of the Spanish revolution.
  We can be faced with the same spectacular growth, but with a Bolshevik programme and leadership.
  The comrades of the RCP must face up to this challenge. If you have not yet joined us, we appeal on you to do so. Every member must raise themselves to the understanding that the key to the British revolution lies within our hands.
  We must find our way to the first 10,000, and from there to become a mass party. On that basis the road to the masses is possible, which in turn will lay the ground for the conquest of power.
  We are retying the knot of the revolutionary traditions of the old RCP. As Ted Grant wrote:
  “Revolutionary audacity can achieve everything. The organisation must consciously pose itself and see itself as the decisive factor in the situation.”
  In this Year of Lenin, there has never been a more important task.
  Editor: Zhong Yao  Deng Panyi
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