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Raúl Toto Galván:This is What We Communists are for
     Release time: 2023-11-03

In Roque Sáenz Peña, the Peasant Market will open its doors, a project that breaks with the dynamics imposed by capitalism. “We want to produce with a social logic of class solidarity between rural and urban workers,” said one of its architects, Raúl Toto Galván.


The Peasant Market was born from the impulse of ideas that were forged in the struggle that, among others, carried out the members of the Union of Peasants Poriajhú, and that served to consolidate the conviction that it is possible to avoid what the capitalist system supposes as an indefectible path for the production and circulation of goods. but above all the imposition that commodification is the only possible realization of that process.


But also, from the full understanding that capitalism is a way of relating socially, but never the only one, the makers of this project sought an alternative way of construction. And they found it from the association of free agricultural workers, linked in a network that has a lot of self-management and cooperative forms, which materializes in the Peasant Market and constitutes an experience worth observing.


Class unit


Galván is clear when he points out that the Peasant Market proposes “a logic of a production in solidarity with the consumer” and that it does so “from a non-capitalist logic of commercialization, because capitalism produces less and wants to earn more, but we want to produce a lot of quantity and that makes consumption cheaper and earn what is fair. which is what we need to continue producing in the countryside with our land and, fundamentally, to continue sustaining the roots of the peasants”, since “with this market there will be work for all families”.


The thing is clear: while in all its forms, capitalism manufactures scarcity, it is evident that it is viable to advance – on the scale of the possible – in experiences that travel along non-capitalist tracks. That is, democratic, participatory and ecologically respectful social and productive relations capable of being considered as the alternative for the construction of an economy of a different type, something like an advance of a process of transition towards a society absolutely different from the capitalist one, which is based on economic democracy, cooperation and self-management.


“We want to guarantee quantity and quality, abundance and that this causes the price of products to fall due to the quantity and quality of the supply,” insisted Galván and stressed that it is impossible to travel this path from a capitalist perspective. “We want to produce with a social logic of class solidarity between rural workers and those of the city,” he pointed out and stressed that “this is a class alliance that we must make to guarantee that the city worker is not a customer, but one more partner in this chain of production and consumption.”


A perspective that, without a doubt, upsets the capitalist scheme that maintains as canonical truth that production and realization must be carried out in the commodification of everything and everyone. “What we propose is that even the labor force ceases to be commodified and as peasants we say: do not go to sell your labor power, but work and have the possibility of developing in the midst of different social relations, in a broad collective such as family farming in which it is articulated what it is to build a new social relationship in the productive .


Thus, the Peasant Market is exhibited as an experience that, due to its characteristics, is worth taking into account in a context in which we are witnessing a systemic crisis of capitalism, which exhibits the emergence of processes that have been accumulating and cause the deepening of a situation of growing decomposition of a system whose scaffolding is wage labor and land degradation.


“This leads us to think about another model of agriculture and production, which has to do with going against the monopolization of natural goods and with the care of the environment, since peasants know that we have to live with the environment and therefore we are with this productive model that we want to install. which is based on solidarity, on the premise of agroecologically producing healthy food,” Galván said.


After what he was blunt when he said that “although it is not easy, we want to demonstrate that there is a different productive model and that it is not based on the logic of destruction of the planet”, so “there are new social relations of production that must be considered”, but also “this shows that class unity is possible” and that “producing healthy in quality and quantity, It doesn't have to be more expensive for the consumer, and that's what we communists are for.”



Editor: Zhong YaoLiu Tingting




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