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Communist Party of the Russian Federation: Fighting for the Russian World
     Release time: 2023-07-11

NATO has been tightening the noose around our borders for many years. History ordained that Russia protect the sovereignty and security of the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics, liberate the fraternal Ukrainian people from the Nazi-Bandera junta.In response to our desire to put a barrier in the way of the Wests aggressive plans its masters cast off the mask of partnership and civilized diplomacy. The globalists openly declared their readiness to deliver a lethal blow to our country by hybrid war methods. They think it is time to close the Russian question.


It was not yesterday that Russias enemies unleashed a hybrid war against us. The roots of this war go back to the centuries-old confrontation of our country with the Wests plans of conquest. Throughout history those who sought to subdue our Power and its people used the methods of a hybrid war along with the real shooting war.  


In it political and economic pressure has always been combined with information, intellectual and spiritual subversion of our society.


Economic, moral and spiritual defeat of the enemy that cannot be defeated by military force - this is the main characteristic and substance of the hybrid war.


After the dismemberment of the USSR some believed that renunciation of socialism would pave Russias path to the West. Now, they rejoiced, we are part and parcel of this shining world. Not so. Those who promoted these ideas, wittingly or unwittingly, totally ignored the lessons of the First World War.  


Soviet Russia was not yet on any maps. But this did not prevent the European governments from engaging in a deadly battle for re-dividing the world. The cruelty and the number of casualties were unprecedented. Everything happened exactly in accordance with Lenins analysis in his great work Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism.


By joining the deadly fray the Tsarist Government embarked on an anti-national adventure. The Western powers - both direct enemies and formal allies - readily tore at Russia in pursuit of their own interests.  The fact that our country was not yet socialist did not matter. The reason lay elsewhere: the capitalist predator always looks for prey. Likewise, by the end of the 20th century betraying the cause of socialism did not mean ensuring a prosperous future for Russia. Things turned out the other way around. The demise of the Soviet system caused appalling losses on an immense scale.


World capital set about developing the divided republics of the USSR according to its neocolonialist templates. It was steadily working to turn the recently advanced power into its own back yard. We were growing weaker. But it did not occur to the globalists to extend a hand of capitalist solidarity to what was now an anti-Soviet Russia. On the contrary their hearts were filled with hopes of further dismemberment of our country. The shining world turned out to be a gaping hole.


Over the course of the past year 1500 sanctions were imposed on Russia. Such a thing never happened to any country. An unheard - of economic, political and information sabotage campaign has been launched. Its aim is to force Russia to give up its hopes for independence and attempts to uphold its legitimate interests. At stake is the existence of our statehood. By challenging Anglo-Saxon hegemony we became the main target of its adepts in Washington, London, Brussels and other centers of modern capitalism.


Such is the criminal handwriting of neocolonialists. They hope that the series of provocations would enable them to avoid a world crisis of their system - capitalism. They try to preserve their power over the planet at all costs. These circles will not stop at attempting to burn insoluble problems in the fire of the third world war.


The American military has left its bloody footprints all over the world: in Korea and Vietnam, Yugoslavia and Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the Washington hawks are turning Ukrainian people into cannon fodder. In the eyes of the whole world they are implementing their hideous plan of fighting Russia with the hands of our blood brothers purposely poisoned with Nazism.


Today the meaning of the coup in Kiev in February 2014 is crystal clear. For eight years Ukraine was persistently preparing for war against Russia. Zelensky has now publicly admitted it. Three wars - shooting, economic and information - are being waged against our country simultaneously. Attempts are being made to defeat us in the battlefield, strangle us economically and slander us in the eyes of the world community.


By rising to defend our Fatherland against globalist diktat and Neo-Nazism being fostered in Ukraine and all across Europe, we have acknowledged the indisputable fact: Russia has failed and cannot but fail to be an organic part of the capitalist West. The globalists do not need it as an independent, strong and successful state. For them the key condition of Russias integration into their world is its destruction. There are no other options.


It has to be stressed that the states that follow the path of socialism are the staunchest supporters of Russia on the international arena. It is China which is demonstrating spectacular achievements under the leadership of the Communist party.  


Its 20th Congress which proclaimed the end of the era of the unipolar globalist world was a key event of the modern time on the national and planetary scale. It is Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, and the DPRK. Finally, it is the Asian and African states whose managerial, scientific and medical cadres were formed at Soviet universities and institutes.


This is one of the key elements of the Soviet legacy which continues to serve us at this troubled time. It provides a lesson for us today. Addressingthe World Social Forum in Porto Alegre in Brazil in early 2023 I said that the new multipolar world would facilitate the struggle for social progress.The weakening of the US hegemony paves the way for a more just system of international relations.But multipolarity by itself does not lead to conflict-free development, social justice and socialism. Yet billions of disadvantaged people dream of a worthy life, free of oppression in which honest work and friendship of the peoplestriumph. Only the struggle of working people for socialism will make it possible to build a new world!


The planet is beginning to see the dead-end character of the path toward which our country was pushed at the end of the last century. Two major powers - China and Russia - are called upon to play the key role in confronting American hegemony, strengthening the community of states seeking sovereign development and many-faceted peaceful cooperation. A milestone on the way toward forming a new concept of our interaction with the world was the 22nd Meeting of the Leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held in Samarkand in September of2022.


Between them the SCO countries occupy an area of 34 million square kilometers, that is, 60% of the territory of Eurasia. The total population of SCO countries is 3.4 billion, almost half of the Earths population. SCO participants stress that the SCO is not a military bloc. Unlike the key organizations of the collective West, it does not seek to bring military or political pressure to bear on anyone.


The constructive principles were reaffirmed at the Samarkand summit. Attention was focused on the speeches of President Putin of Russia and PRC Chairman Xi Jinping. The Russianhead of state stressed signs of a fundamental transformation in world politics and economics. It is irreversible. We see a growing role of the new power centers interacting among themselves not on the basis of rules imposed from outside, but on the basis of common principles and the UN Charter, respect of the sovereignty, national values and the interests of one another.


In the West the idea of disintegration of the Soviet Union has been cultivated for decades. Now the idea of destroying the historical Russia has triumphed. The West is harboring plans to use our country in its confrontation with China. But this will not happen. Simultaneously the West has been creating a Neo-Nazi enclave in Ukraine to threaten and rock the situation inside Russia. The special military operation was launched to prevent this.


During his meeting with Xi Jinping the Russian President said: The world is changing rapidly, but one thing remains immutable: the friendship between China and Russia, our good relations of strategic comprehensive partnership. We continue to strengthen these relations.


One cannot but welcome this position. I am convinced that the strengthening of allied relations with the Peoples Republic of China must be the bedrock principle of Russias foreign policy. In our internal policy we need to take into account the unique experience of Chinas development which the whole world admires.


Addressing the participants in the International Forum of Marxist Parties organized by the Communist Party of China in July 2022,I said: time has shown convincingly that socialist China has become the locomotive of progress and the lode star for the whole humankind. The experience of the PRC has in fact acquired universal significance. It needs to be thoroughly studied and disseminated with due account of the national conditions in each country.The strategic partnership between Russia and China is deepening. The friendship between our peoples is growing stronger. The leaders of our states have repeatedly reaffirmed the readiness to expand close cooperation.


In 2022 the Communist Party of China marked its centenary. It was a great milestone in the history of the Chinese people which had huge resonance in many countries. The Russian communists held major events in Moscow to mark this momentous date.


From the moment of the creation of the PRC, within several decades, China traversed a path that took the developed states hundreds of years to traverse. Within a historically brief space of time the country overcame its semi-feudal and semi-colonial legacy to become a world power. In 2021 China put a final end to poverty. Continuous progress of the huge country is ensured. The strategic tasks of national development, the goals of two centuries and a great resurgence of the Chinese nation, are being realized successfully. The rapid growth of the economy and social stability in China confirm the strength of socialism and demonstrate its creative character.


The tragic experience of the USSR has shown that renunciation by the Communist Party of its leading role inevitably plunges society into chaos and leads to the restoration of capitalism. This lends especial value to the CPCs efforts to strengthen and improve the system of party leadership at all levels.


Socialism in China is an impressive result of the creative efforts of the whole people. The CPC skillfully combines the principles of Marxism and the conditions in China. All the achievements of the PRC have become possible because the people and the party have preserved and constantly improve the ideas of socialism - in theory as well as in practice.


Apologists for the bourgeoisie have often claimed that capitalism is the only possible path for moving forward, the end point of development. But we communists have proved the opposite: a better alternative to capitalism exists. The construction of socialism in the USSR proved it in the 20th century. Chinas achievements are proving it now in the eyes of the amazed world.


Today the European Union, at the bidding of its Transatlantic overseer, is sealing the window to Europe cut by Peter the Great. Instead we are to open wider the gates to Asia, to our friends and reliable allies. This work must become one of the key tasks for our country.



Editor: Zhong YaoHuang He




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