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Communist Party of Chile:We salute the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Soviet Union
     Release time: 2023-03-01

The Communist Party of Chile welcomes and commemorates the Bolshevik decision to establish the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) under the leadership of Lenin 100 years ago.


This is not only the decision of the Russian people under the leadership of the Communists, but also the union of many people living in the vast czar empire. This is a qualitative leap, making this semi-feudal country a great political, economic and military power under the leadership of the working class who won the October Revolution.


The Russian revolution defeated the military aggression of the capitalist powers in Europe, Asia and the United States. This new country has achieved development at a growth rate and has been rid of backwardness in a few years.


After defeating Hitlers Nazist aggression at the cost of millions of children and a razed country, USSR successfully recovered and conquered the universe, mastered nuclear energy and became a great power.


The growth of the Soviet Union covered all the republics that made up its territory. Social development has leaped beyond economic development.


The Soviet Union gave great encouragement to the people, and also provided material assistance for combating colonialism and liberating capitalist exploitation.


The European welfare state is the result of workers struggle and capitalists fear of the proletarian revolution inspired by the Soviet Union.


There is no Soviet Union today, but we have the Soviet Union every day because of the existence of the Peoples Republic of China, the victory and development of Vietnam, the persistence of socialist Cuba, the survival of Venezuela and Nicaragua, the settlement of colonialism in Africa and Asia.


In some way, the ideology that created it 100 years ago, namely Marxism-Leninism, pointed out the way forward according to the reality of each country and the decisions of its people.


Long live the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!



Editor: Zhong YaoHuang He




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