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New Communist Party of the Netherlands:Statement on the situation in Ukraine
     Release time: 2022-12-23

New worrisome things have emerged in the Russian Ukrainian war. The recent war has been further escalated, posing a great danger to Ukraine and the world. The Central Committee of the New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN) and Central Committee of the Communist Youth Movement issued a statement to analyze the situation in Ukraine, pointed out the wrong practices of the government of Netherlands, and put forward its own ideas.


Analysis of the current war situation


On September 21, 2022, Vladimir Putin carried out partial mobilization. At the same time, the Ukrainian region controlled by the Russian Federation held a referendum to express the aspirations of the people of that region to join the Russian Federation.


In the United States, NATO and the European Union, military and financial support to the reactionary government in Kiev is gradually increasing. A large number of weapons were shipped to Ukraine, including the most advanced weapons systems, military advisers and mercenaries. At the same time, thousands of Ukrainians are being trained in NATO countries to serve as cannon fodder for the interests of the United States and European capitals. This has undoubtedly escalated the current tension.


The Netherlands Governments approach


The Dutch government has also played a role in this escalation. Military equipment, weapons, ammunition and equipment worth more than 222 million euros have been delivered to Ukraine.


The Dutch military personnel have been sent to Britain to provide modern basic military training for Ukrainian soldiers. Dutch soldiers, naval vessels and fighter aircraft have been sent to Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and the Mediterranean region to further increase pressure.


The Dutch capital is also preparing how to make money from investments in war affected areas, for which the government has pledged 65 million euros.


The idea of New Communist Party of the Netherlands


The escalation of the war mainly affected the working class. Especially the people of Ukraine, where hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes.


Thousands of people from Ukraine and Russia were killed and wounded on the front line. Throughout Europe and around the world, people are affected by the price increases and shortages driven by this war. At present, the energy price in Europe is soaring, and many countries have been unable to resist the problem of energy shortage. At the same time, global food prices have also changed, which has brought disaster to people all over the world.


NCPN believes that this war was not launched by the Euro Atlantic group for the freedom and self-determination of the Ukrainian people. The National Congress Party and the Central Committee condemned the escalation of the war.


NCPN particularly condemns the role of the Dutch government. Once again, the Netherlands cannot participate in the activities of sanctions against Russia. This imperialist war once again proved the inhumanity of imperialism. Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism, where ordinary people compete with each other to provide fodder for monopoly interests.


NCPN proposed the importance of building a class conscious anti imperialist peace movement. It is possible for the working classes of Ukraine and Russia to coexist peacefully on the basis of equality.


The temporary restoration of capitalism and the disintegration of the Soviet Union not only brought back wars and conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, but also between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This caused great disaster to the people.


Requirements of the Dutch Communist Party


NCPN put forward four requirements in the statement:


1.Stop all participation of the Netherlands in the imperialist war.


2.No Dutch armed forces outside our countrys borders.


3.Stop sanctions against Russia, which have very adverse economic effects on the working class, including in the Netherlands.


4.the Netherlands must exit imperialist alliances such as NATO and EU, which must be accompanied by a fight against capitalism and for socialism.



Editor: Zhong YaoHuang He




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