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Communist Party of Swaziland:CPS in solidarity with China on recent provocation by US regime
     Release time: 2022-08-23

The Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS) stands in solidarity with the people of China and the Communist Party of China on the recent provocation by the United States administration against standing agreements the two countries have on the Taiwan question.


The USA administration has been constantly arming Taiwan severely undermining peace and stability in the region. The USA’s ambitions to use Taiwan to contain the People's Republic of China amounts to a threat to the sovereignty of China.


The people of Swaziland feel the impact of the USA’s undue support to Taiwan as it directly translates to support for the Mswati autocracy. Swaziland is the only country in Africa which retains diplomatic relations with Taiwan in violation of international law which recognises the One China policy.


The Taiwanese province of China is a form of colonial power in Swaziland by direct political maintenance of the Mswati dictatorship whilst exploiting workers in the textile industry in return.


The visit of the USA’s House of Representatives Speaker to Taiwan was uncalled for, but only makes sense to those who survive on war than peace.


The CPS calls for international solidarity with the people of Swaziland for the total removal of the Mswati autocracy, to create a truly independent and sovereign nation, free from the clutches of imperialism.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan


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