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Communist Party of Australia:Long live the 101st anniversary of the Communist Party of China
     Release time: 2022-08-08

Dear Comrade,


We convey warm greetings from the Communist Party of Australia on the 101st anniversary of the Communist Party of China.


On this special occasion, we salute the long history of struggle and sacrifice of Chinese Communists to fight relentlessly for a socialist future and to uphold the lofty values of communism. These 101 years have presented enormous political and ideological challenges to holding high the red banner of Marxism and socialism. Your Party has met these challenges to progress towards these goals.


Today, this history is an inspiring example for Chinese Communists to intensify their struggle to defend the rights of the Chinese working class and people. More than ever, the role of the Communist Party in China and worldwide, is indispensable to provide inspiration and guidance for action to achieve change. Change that is necessary for building a better future, a society free of exploitation, oppression, racism, poverty and disease; ensuring peace, social justice and socialism.


On this 101st celebration, we join you in solidarity and recognise the role your Party plays in providing internationalist support and solidarity against imperialist powers and warmongers, and in building the world peace movement.


We warmly salute the Communist Party of China and look forward to strengthening relations between our two parties, in the joint struggle for peace, social progress, and socialism.


Long live the Communist Party of China!


Long live proletariat internationalism!


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan


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