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Communist Party of Ireland:The savagery of capitalism
     Release time: 2022-03-21

It hardly comes as a surprise to working people in Ireland and in particular workers living in Dublin that management of Dublin City Council have or are about to conclude a deal with the pension fund of British arms manufacturer BAE Systems.


To lease for social housing a number of homes in the Kimage/Crumlin district of Dublin area as well as a significant number of apartments. The agreement to lease for social housing will include a mix of newly-built apartments and houses, as well as refurbished homes.


This company makes billions manufacturing weapons of destruction. Its share holders and owners of capital live well of the back of the death and injuries of millions of working people and the poor.


Saudi Arabia has bought hundreds of millions worth of weapons for its war in Yemen which has resulted in thousands dead tens of thousands injured and millions now starving. Due to famine.


We have one group of workers the aristocracy of labour as well as, professional manager class of BEA Systems securing their pensions at the expense of low paid precarious workers in Ireland.In addition their pensions is also the result of the global imperialist war strategy and global imperial plunder.


If this deal is like previous deals this vulture pension fund will lease to the city Council on a long term lease, with regular rent review (always upwards), will have their properties maintain and return to them as per the time the lease was signed.


They will be guaranteed rental income (profits) and they will get their assets back as new and can realise the increased value since they purchased it. A completed win win situation for the vulture and a lose lose situation for working people of Dublin.


It is now open season on Irish workers by global vulture funds to make vast easy profits.


Our lives have been reduced to constant permanent precarious employment, precarious shelter, precarious health services and precarious old age.


It is time to end this nightmare for workers. Time to end these parasites leaching of us.


We need to demand  the building of large scale public housing at affordable rents, to break the grip of finance capital over the Irish housing market.


Time to establish an all Ireland public construction company to build public hosing and public infrastructure.


Get the vultures out, get the speculators out. We need an Ireland fit for working people. Not an Ireland of speculators, vultures funds and bankers. We need a workers Ireland.


We need real democracy at all levels of our country.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan


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