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Michael Welch:Who Rules the World? Bilderberg 2019 and the Global Power Elite
     Release time: 2019-07-15



The most wealthy and powerful individuals on the planet have mutual concerns and in spite of rhetoric about competition in the marketplace, these ruling elites have class interests in common and meet together through secretive unaccountable non- governmental groups to decide the policies that will advance their aims, potentially at the expense of the bulk of humanity.

Some of these groupings go by names like the Trilateral Commission, the Group of 30, the Systemic Risk Council, The Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberg Group.

Bilderberg, in particular has evoked considerable intrigue in recent years, especially since the publication of Daniel Estulin’s 2005 book: The True Story of the Bilderberg Group . Estulin’s account reveals a network of the world’s most powerful people, comprising heads of state, leaders of industry and finance, military brass, European royalty, and select media figures, mostly men from North America and Western Europe, who engage each other annually, in person and in secret, in remote locations around the globe. No media coverage is allowed, no meeting minutes released to the public. Nevertheless, the policy decisions fleshed out through these meetings are passed on to governments who align their policies with these global elites, regardless of their partisan political affiliation.

So for example, in 1991, then Arkansas governor and aspiring US Presidential candidate Bill Clintonattended that year’s Bilderberg conference where he connected with tycoon David Rockefeller and was told that the North American Free Trade Agreement was a Bilderberg priority. Within a year of his inauguration, Clinton signed on to NAFTA.

The first Bilderberg meeting took place in Oosterbeek Netherlands, where prominent elites supposedly debated the future of the world.

Estulin built his research on private disclosures from what he calls ‘conscientious objectors’ from inside as well as outside the group’s membership.

In Estulin’s estimation, the group today constitutes a shadow government threatening to supplant the sovereignty of nation-states with one powerful corporate controlled global government.

CKUW FunDrive 2019. Fund-raiser for Global Research News Hour

Over the past decade and a half, independent investigators have been making a point of stalking these conferences and approaching the known participants to glean some insights into their plans, With more light being shone on these public gatherings of elites, the Bilderberg group has started to disclose their supposed itinerary of topics and guests.

This year’s Bilderberg conference was held in Montreux Switzerland. The guest list included the likes of Henri Castries, Chairman of the Paris-based Institut Montaigne, Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, David Petraeus, retired US Army General and former CIA Director, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Mark Rutte, Dutch Prime Minister and leader of the far-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, Bruno LeMaire, France’s Minister of Finance, and Eric Schmidt, technical advisor for Alphabet Inc, the parent company of Google Inc. Jared Kushner, son-in-law of US President Donald Trump and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were also known to be participating although they were not mentioned in the Bilderberg official guest list.

Official topics for discussion at the 4 day conference included “The Future of Capitalism”, “Russia”, “China”, “Weaponizing Social Media”, “BREXIT”, “What’s Next for Europe”; “Ethics of Artificial Intelligence” and climate change.

On this week’s Global Research News Hour radio program we do our best to ascertain the agenda of these global elites based on interviews with two informed sources.

In the first half hour, we hear from Canadian independent journalist Dan Dicks about his attempts to cover the 67th annual Bilderberg summit during the May 30-June 2nd weekend. Dicks outlines how this year’s conference differed from previous conferences he has covered, and speculates on a connection between the recent demonetization of his youtube channel and a conversation he had with one of the Bilderberg participants.

In the second half hour, Professor Peter Phillips talks about his recent book,Giants: The Global Power Elite, which provides the names and mini-biographers of the individuals and companies that wield power over billions of people world-wide, and the various instruments they utilize to secure their control over the global financial and political landscape.





Editor: Zhong Yao


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