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Iran Hawks in Washington
     Release time: 2018-10-10



No doubt, anti-Iran propaganda out of Washington abounds. There are numerous Zionist-run think-tanks (sic) that make US Foreign Policy–and are ratcheting up anti-Iran anger in the US, but targeting especially the Iranian population at home, in Iran. The notorious chief-villain of these agencies, by the way, highly subsidized by the US State Department, and perhaps even more important, by the powerful US military-security complex, is the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy (FDD). More than fifty years ago, then President Dwight Eisenhower already warned the world about the invasive, abusive and greed-driven powers of this ever-growing war industry.

Nobody really heeded his advice, least the United States with her world hegemonic aspirations. Today we have to live with it–and recognize the dangers emanating from this war complex, that controls more than 50% of the US GDP–all associated industries and services included. If peace was to break out tomorrow–the US economy would collapse. It is, therefore, the new normal that aggressions are flying out from Washington to all those proud countries that refuse to submit themselves to the dictate of the hegemon–like Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Syria, Russia,China,Pakistan, Cuba—-and many more. The assaults on free and independent thinking nations come in the form of verbal insults, economic sanctions, tariffs, broken international and bilateral agreements–and foremost war threats and provocations. Beware from falling into the trap.

Iran is not alone.It means–moving on and living with this western imposed system–or else…

And else, means getting out of it. Unfortunately, it does little good accusing the devil overseas,like the FDD, NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and whatever else they are called. They will not go away; they just enjoy the anger they generate. And yes, there is a clear and present danger that through Netanyahu and Trump war provocations on Iran are being launched. And yes, as long as Iran is still linked to the western monetary system, and tries hard to stay linked to it, more sanctions will follow, disastrous sanctions–but disastrous only as long as Iran is tied to the western dollar-based economy. If you, Iran, move away from this massive western monetary fraud – and this will not happen over-night–you, Iran, will gradually regain your economic autonomy and political sovereignty. This is crucial.

Fighting and arguing against senseless and totally illegal sanctions and aggressions–or even begging the West to stick to the Nuclear Deal,against Washington’s reneging on the Nuclear Deal, is a waste of time. It will achieve nothing. They, the US of A, will not give in. The Israel and war industrial complex lobbies are too strong. Counting on Europe to stick to the “Deal” is not a good strategy. Even if– for their own selfish interests–the Europeans would want to maintain the 5+1 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), first, you never know whether and when they may cave in to Washington and Israel’s pressure, and second, even if they don’t, you are still linked to the western ponzy-economy through the euro and, thus vulnerable for sanctions.

Most important,however,rather than looking outside for a culprit–i.e. in Washington or Brussels, find the solution from within. There are two major obstacles to keep in mind.The first one Iran is in the process of overcoming, it’s called embarking on an “Economy of Resistance”; the second one is more complicated but not impossible–neutralizing the Fifth Column in Iran. 

Economy of Resistance–is a path to self-sufficiency, economic autonomy and political sovereignty. Iran, under the guidance of the Ayatollah, has already embarked on this de-globalizing route.President Putin said already several years ago, the sanctions were the best thing that happened to Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It forced Russia to rehabilitate an rebuild her agricultural sector and modernize her industrial park. Today Russia is by far the largest wheat exporter in the world and has a cutting-edge industrial arsenal.This message, Mr. Putin, transmitted during his visit to Tehran last November face-to-face to the Ayatollah.

Following the principles of a Resistance Economy implies a gradual, but eventually radical separation from the western monetary system–and adherence to the eastern alliances, like the SCO–Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS and the Eurasia Economic Union (EEU). Iran is poised to become a member of the SCO within short. These alliances are no longer trading in UDS dollars, have their own international transfer systems–separated from the western,privately run SWIFT which is totally controlled by the US banking moguls–and therefore,SWIFT is a prime instrument to impose financial and economic sanctions,by withholding or blocking international payment transfers and blocking or confiscating assets abroad. 

These eastern alliances are trading in their local currencies and in the case of China and hydrocarbons, even in gold-convertible yuans. One or several new eastern monetary systems are under consideration, including by the BRICS. An important part of the eastern alliances is President Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)–or the new Silk Road, a massive multi-trillion yuan infrastructure and transport investments plan –spanning the world from east to west with several connecting “roads”, including maritime routes. This BRI plan, recently incorporated in China’s constitution–is the vanguard for a new economic system, based on equality and benefitting all partners–a clear departure from the western “carrot and stick” approach, i.e. ‘do as I say–or else’ –sanctions will follow.

Second, and this is the real challenge–countries like Iran,Venezuela,Russia, China–and all those nations that resist the west’s attempts to conquer, command and subdue them–have a strong so-called “Fifth Column”,open and covert infiltrated western or local and western-trained and funded ‘assets’.These people are usually embedded in the financial sector, especially the central banks and in trade related activities. They are the ‘recipients’ of the messages from the Hawks from Washington –they propagate them in Iran, bring people to the streets often by paying them–to make believe that there is a strong opposition to the government. 

They control the local media,publish false economic information– unemployment, inflation–and seek tightening investment links with the west.The Fifth Columnists,or Atlantists, are helping manipulating currency exchange rates, devaluations of their country’s–Iran’s–money;they are exaggerating the impact of sanctions at home to create fear and hostility against the government–in brief, they are weaponizing public opinion against their own government.They are collaborators with Iran’s enemies.

The Fifth Columnists are a dangerous, criminal and non-transparent alliance of opponents working for foreign interests, in Iran, as well as in Russia,Venezuela, China –and where ever the Washington hegemon and its dark deep masters want to bring about regime change. Neutralizing them is a huge challenge, as their activities are deeply rooted in their countries financial system, private banking and international trade. 

The best way of annihilating their nefarious impact is by applying the rules of Resistance Economy–breaking loose from the western dollar system, de-globalizing the economy, finding back to political and economic sovereignty–local production for local markets with local money and local public banking for the development of the local economy; and by trading with friendly, culturally and ideologically aligned countries. If the link to the globalized west is broken, their power is gone. Iran is on the right path–the future is in the East.The greed-driven aggressive west is committing economic and moral suicide–the west has become a sinking ship.





Editor: Zhong Yao







Iran–And Her “Economy of Resistance”
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