International Critical Thought (ICT) is an English-language Marxist theory quarterly [print ISSN: 2159-8282; online ISSN: 2159-8312], hosted by the Marxist Division and Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and published by Routledge in UK since March 2011. The journal has arisen as a response to recent developments that have called into question the international capitalist order and have led many in the world to call for fundamental change. It aims to serve the Marxist and other leftist scholars in their reflections upon the past and their inquiries into the future, with an emphasis laid on the coalescence of social concern with academic rigor, and the bettering of the reality through a better understanding of it. As a 21-century forum, ICT strongly supports cultural diversity and intellectual openness, and is most willing to facilitate dialogues not just within the left community but also between the left and other currents of social thought.