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Renjiang Chen:The Law of Uneven Development and the Transition to a New World System: On the Spatial Political Economy of Socialism
     Release time: 2024-06-25
  In the early 21st century global capitalism has gradually been falling into a huge structural crisis, prompting people to rethink the issue of establishing a new world system. The spatial political economy of socialism seeks precisely to explore how to break out of the capitalist world system, to transform the old space of world history, and correspondingly, to create a new space. The spatial political economy of socialism shows that space is an intrinsically important proposition of communism and socialism. Communism logically must inherit the global space of capitalism, while socialism in practice is the product of the uneven spatial development of the capitalist world system. The capitalist world system constitutes the starting point of socialism in practice, while the new world system (communism) is the destination of socialism in practice. Both revolution and construction reflect the law of uneven development of the transition to the world communist system. In the dialectical movement of history, socialism creates the Socialist Regional Economic Union as its instrument of spatial production and expansion, as well as the intermediary to the new world system. The Socialist Regional Economic Union will become an important element in the study of the spatial political economy of socialism.
  KEYWORDS: The law of uneven development; spatial political economy; local communism; world system; Socialist Regional Economic Union
  From: International Critical Thought 2023 13 (4)
  Editor: Wang Yi
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