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Pankil Goswami:The Political Economy of Precarious Work in India: A Case of Languishing Social Policy?
     Release time: 2024-06-19
  The paper critically dissects the contemporary policy landscape and its ability to counter precarious work for construction workers in the Indian context. By focusing on the governance challenges faced by welfare institutions and the pre-existing fault lines exposed by the pandemic, the paper argues that social policies are languishing and inefficient to respond to the challenges of growing precarity. The paper uses Breman’s conception of “Footloose labour” to understand informality related to construction workers and Gilbert and Terrell’s social policy analytical framework to understand the institutional response. The two major arguments that make the social policy languish are the inability of the policy to alter neoliberal employment relationships and the operational challenges that institutions face in implementing welfare schemes for many footloose labourers. Moreover, the situation is further exacerbated by inherent contradictions of the state which is entangled between promoting economic growth through neoliberal policies while consecutively ensuring labour welfare. If the Institutional challenges persist along with the persuasion of neoliberal reforms, footloose labour is only going to be furtherfurther marginalized and pushed to limits.
  From: Critical Sociology 2024 50 (1)
  Editor: Wang Yi
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