In Marx’s economic theory, the level of employment is fundamentally determined by capital accumulation. Nevertheless, that determination is contradictory since, on the one hand, the employment level expands with the capital stock while, on the other hand, it tends to contract with technical change and the growing productivity of labour. This article seeks to estimate this contradictory effect employing two complementary econometric methods: first, cross-sectional regression analysis for more than 100 countries in the years 2014, 2004, 1994 and 1984; second, time-series analysis for the United States, France, Japan, Turkey and Mexico from 1964 to 2014. Our empirical results are in line with Marx’s theoretical framework: the level of employment grows with the expansion of fixed capital stock and reduces with increases in the productivity of labour.
From: Capital & Class 2023 47 (4)
Editor: Wang Yi