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Zhao Shifa: Mao Zedong’s Original Contribution to Marxist Philosophy: A Study Based on On Practice
     Release time: 2024-01-11
  In the process of the sinicization of Marxist philosophy, On Practice is undoubtedly one of the important landmark achievements. It is a theoretical innovation based on the concrete reality of China to answer the questions of The Times. On Practice enriched and developed the Marxist view of practice, systematically analyzed the process of dialectical development of knowledge, put forward the dialectical materialist view of the unity of knowledge and action, and revealed the law of development of knowledge, and made an important original contribution to the Marxist view of practice and epistemology. On Practice is of great practical significance to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Adhering to the thought of On Practice against dogmatism and empiricism is helpful to realize the theoretical innovation of Marxism constantly. Adhering to the concrete and historical unified thought of practice and knowledge in On Practice and the development law thought of the spiral rise of knowledge in a reciprocating cycle will help to continuously push forward the sinicization and modernization of Marxist philosophy. Adhering to the thought of transforming the subjective and objective world and their mutual relations in On Practice is helpful to constantly strengthen the transformation of the subjective world, especially people’s world view.
  Editor: Zhong Yao、Deng Panyi
  From:Studies on Marxist Theory.2023.No.9.
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