Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of and solutions to the shortage of human resources in Japan’s construction industry from the perspective of the transformation of the capital–labor relations. The findings are as follows. The main reason for the shortage of human resources is the low level of working conditions brought about by the structure of multiple subcontracting and the reproduction of day laborers as a low-wage sector. Therefore, correction of this structure is required. In the 2000s, it became clear that dependent contractors and foreign workers were forming a new low-wage sector. In light of the above, correction of the multi-layered subcontracting structure and improvement of working conditions in the low-wage sector are required to solve the human resource shortage.
Keywords: capital–labor relations; Japanese construction industry; human resource shortage; subcontracting; low-wage sector
From: World Review of Political Economy 2021 12 (4)
Editor: Wang Yi