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The Distinction between True and False Democracy
     Release time: 2022-12-30


The distinction between true and false democracy lies in the authenticity of the right to vote, but even more, in the universality of the right to participate; in the verbal promises made during the election period, but to an even greater degree, in whether these promises are realized afterwards; in the political procedures and rules, but still more, in the extent of their institutional and legal implementation; in the democratic nature of the rules and procedures for the exercise of power, but to a still greater extent, in the ability of the population to enforce restraints on how this power is imposed. Politics is truly democratic if its procedures are straightforward and realistic at the time of the election, while various political rights continue to be enjoyed afterwards; if people feel empowered during the election period, and that they possess sacred rights that can be effectively realized thereafter; and if voting gives people a feeling of solemn satisfaction at the ballot box, along with confidence that happiness will be delivered to them after they leave the polling station.


KEYWORDS: Political civilizationtrue democracypeople’s democracysocialist democracycapitalist democracy


From: International Critical Thought 2022 12 (2)

Editor: Wang Yi

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