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Zhang Leisheng:Marx’s Theory of Distribution and Its Innovative Achievements in Sinicization
     Release time: 2022-04-20

Marx studied the distribution of individual consumer goods on the premise of the analysis of the relationship between ownership and distribution, and on the basis of the analysis of the relationship between production and distribution in the process of social reproduction.He not only revealed the special law of income distribution under specific social conditions, but also analyzed the general law of income distribution in human society.The core meaning of Marxs distribution theory has laid the theoretical foundation for us to deeply understand and study the current distribution problem in China.Since the founding of new China, Chinese Communists have adhered to the combination of Marxist theory of distribution with Chinas specific national conditions, committed to the practice of Marxist theory of distribution in China, and achieved one after another new theoretical achievements.From the establishment of the socialist distribution system in the New Democratic period, to the formation of the system of distribution according to work, to the formation of the allocation system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, those systems highlight innovative achievements of sinicization of Marxs theory of distribution in the different historical period, including the formation of the Mao Zedong distribution thought, the distribution theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the theory of distribution of Xi Jinping.


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan


From:China Review of Political Economy.2022.No.1.

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