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Zhou Jian-ming:Strengthening the Party’s Ideological Line: Commemorating the Centennial Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC
     Release time: 2021-08-06



     One important historical experience of the CPC over the past 100 years is the establishment of the ideological line of seeking truth from facts.The Party’s persistence in its original aspiration of working for the happiness of the people and the rejuvenation of the nation is achieved through understanding the world and transforming it, which requires we always adhere to the line of seeking truth from facts. This ideological line is the product of our Party’s arduous exploration of combining Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese revolution, and it is also the lifeline of the Party.Strengthening the Party’s ideological line and governing the Party strictly complement each other, and can not be replaced by the other. On the centenary of the Party’s founding, it is necessary to review the historical experience in this regard and further strengthen the consciousness of building the Party’s ideological line.





Editor: Zhong Yao





Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2021.No.4.



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