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Shi Zhong-quan:The Centenary of the Founding of the CPC and Its Painstaking Exploration of Socialism
     Release time: 2021-06-29



The first 29 years of socialist revolution and construction since the founding of the PRC have been the years of the CPC’s arduous exploration of socialism. Viewed in the context of the century-long history of the Party, this period has an indispensable and irreplaceable role in carrying on the past and opening up the future. After 29 years of arduous exploration, a basic socialist system suitable for the specific conditions of China was established! This is the general orientation of this period in history. The 29-year history since the founding of New China has been marked by both dramatic triumphs and stormy twists and turns. In this regard, we must conform to the dialectic of history, consciously grasp the methodology, adhere to the “two-aspect theory” and oppose the “one-aspect theory”;stick to comprehensiveness and oppose one-sidedness; hold fast to the complexity and tortuousness of understanding history and oppose the linearization, simplification and polarization of history. In the new era, we should continue to apply the dialectic of history, follow the objective laws of historical development, and under the guidance of Xi Jin-ping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era make greater contributions to the realisation of the China dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!






Editor: Zhong Yao





Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2021.No.2.


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