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Du Yan-hua: The Characteristics of the CPC’s State Governance: From the Perspective of Key Party Conferences
     Release time: 2021-05-18


The mode of state governance under the leadership of the CPC, formed under China’s special national conditions, determines that Party conferences play a key role in state governance. All the theories and practical activities in governing the country after the birth of the CPC are closely related to its conferences; the important conferences in the Party’s history fully attest to the trajectory of the CPC’s national governance. Therefore, studying those important conferences, such as the National Congress of the CPC, might lead to a clear understanding of the unique features of the CPC’s state governance.First, the issue of what banner to raise and what road to take is always at the top of the CPC’s programme for state governance; second, the central task of state governance is unified with its overall layout, and the goals of the present stage are unified with the ambitious goals of the future; third, the CPC insists that everything is for the people, that everything relies on the people, and that everything is people-centered; fourth,the Party adheres to the organic integration of inheritance and innovation in state governance; and fifth, it constantly sticks to the organic unity of state governance and party construction. It is precisely these characteristics that determine the positive interaction between the CPC’s state governance and China’s national development.




Editor: Zhong Yao





Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2020.No.8.


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