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Wang Xue-jun and Cheng En-fu:Correct Understanding on the Historical Value and Realistic Function in the Period of Socialist Planned Economy
     Release time: 2020-03-20



The socialist planned economy system is a scientific choice made by the CPC represented by Comrade Mao Ze-dong under the guidance of Marxism and in accordance with China’s national conditions.In the period of socialist planned economy, the CPC led the Chinese people to establish a socialist system, an independent and relatively complete modern national economic system, a great development of socialist culture, fundamental improvement of people’s livelihood, and a significant increase in China’s international status.The period of socialist planned economy has laid the fundamental political premise and systematic basis for socialism with Chinese characteristics, and produced the material basis, theoretical preparation and valuable experience.General Secretary Xi Jin-ping’s important exposition on the inappropriateness of the mutual negation between the historical periods before and after the reform and opening up provides important guidance for the objective evaluation of the achievements of socialist construction before and after the reform and opening up. In the new historical height, we should have a correct understanding of the historical value and practical role of socialist planned economy to avoid falling into the misunderstanding of historical nihilism.





Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2019.No.10.


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