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Cultural Diversity in the World and Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics—Review of the Second World Cultural Forum
     Release time: 2018-12-02


Zhai Chan



The World Cultural Forum is a platform for scholars around the world to discuss crucial issues in relation to the cultural development, cross-cultural understanding and cooperation, and development of the cultural cause of the entire human race. With the theme of “Cultural Diversity in the World and Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics,” the Second World Cultural Forum was held on October 16, 2017, at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China. About 200 scholars from over 10 different countries, including Russia, Canada, Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Nigeria, and China, participated in the forum and exchanged ideas on the cultural challenges that are confronting China and the world today. Particularly, there were profound discussions on the substantial content of Marxist cultural theories, cultural progressiveness and the significance of the October Revolution to the development of world cultures, cultural diversity as a means to fight cultural imperialism, and the theory and practice of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics. A summary of the main points from these discussions is provided here for information and dissemination purposes.



Marxist cultural theory; cultural progressiveness; cultural diversity; socialist culture with Chinese characteristics


From: International Critical Thought 2018 8(2)

Editor: Wang Yi


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