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Wu Hai-jiang:“People-Centered” Ideology: The Inheritance and Advancement of Traditional “People-Oriented” Thoughts
     Release time: 2018-11-04


“People-centered” ideology as the utmost principle for Chinese socialism in a new age is never a tree without root or water with no sources.On the contrary, traditional Chinese “people-oriented” ideology is shaped through the interaction between “emperor and people” as well as that between “official and people” in the long evolution of farming civilization,and then incorporated into our national personalities and mentalities in the form of cultures. Characters of “mass practicality, real functionality and historical accumulativity” embodied in traditional Chinese “people-oriented” ideology offer possible cultural origin and modern improvement for “people-centered” ideology. The latter not only embraces the fundamental principles of scientific socialism, but also in a problem-oriented style brings about a modern transformnation of traditional “people-oriented” ideology from “people of the kingdom” to “people of the nation”, from “ruling” to “developing”, and from “utilizing people” to “serving people”, which constitutes a philosophy of inheriting, deepening, reconstructing and surpassing traditional “people-oriented” ideology. The “people-centered” ideology is both a product of the integration of basic Marxist principles and the Chinese era and that of the quintessence of Marxism and outstanding traditional Chinese cultures.






Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2018.No.7.



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