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Wang Li-sheng:On the Phase of the Development of Chinese Political Economics
     Release time: 2018-07-09



The exploration and expansion of socialist pathway with Chinese characteristics exhibited three marked phases: the phase of “rising up”, of “bettering off”, and of “strengthening up”. In the course of keeping up with new practices and constant principles at certain phase,Chinese political economics has evolved with development and innovation coupled with new changes, from laying a foundation to gradually taking into shape and then to making sustainable improvement. And it took on the major mission as response, service and guidance for practical development. Grasping the relations between the phases of practical development and those of theoretical development, as well as the consistency and distinction between major phases and specific ones, could impose great significance on improving the theoretical innovation of Chinese political economics and sticking to and developing the practice of Chinese political economics. As the subject has now entered a new phase, under the guidance of new achievements of Xi Jin-ping's thoughts on Chinese socialist economy in a new era, Chinese political economics in the phase of “strengthening up” is sure to embrace new leaps and development.





Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2018.No.1.


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