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Li Chengxun:Ignoring No Rules of the Proportional Development of National Economy
     Release time: 2016-10-24



    Socialized mass production calls for the proportional development of national economy.Such development is a materialistic rule under certain socialist conditions, the violation of which leads to its punishment.The development in proportion is made possible by the fundamental socialist economic institution with Chinese characteristics,within which dorminating public ownership and other accompanied ownership conexist.The major proportional relations in national economy include sector relationship, the proportion of agriculture, light and heavy industry, the internal proportion within sectors,the proportion of first,second and tertiary industry,the proportional relationship between accumulation and consumption, and that between economic and social development and ecology.The proportional development of national economy requires “a better role of the government ”.Under the governmental macroeconomic control, the proportional development calls for building up and adhering to the concept of coordinated development,making scientific industrial policies,forecasting structural flux of industries and changes in supply and demand, and persisting in and optimizing examination and approval institutions. The balanced

development in proportion stands for planning, while socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics refers to planned market economy.





Editor: Zhong Yao




Studies On Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories.2016.No.3.




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