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Wei Jianlin: Does the Third World still matters?
Source: Foreign Theoretical Trend, issue 12, 2011      Release time: 2014-09-05
  With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West deemed that the Third World doesn’t matter anymore. Newsweek in the United States announced that "let's abolish the ‘Third World’ ", "the word ‘Third World’ should be abandoned"; British newspapers chanted that "Let’s aimed at the Third World with trident submarine like we did to the Soviet Union"; By the mid-1990s, "colonization" statements such as "to revert the decolonizing process, restore the ancient imperial values even back to the old system of the ruling by the white". In September 1995, at Fairmont hotel in San Francisco, Gorbachev brought together 500 politicians, business leaders, scientists most prominent in the West to discuss "the path to the 21st century" and "the new civilization". This "global think tank" simplified the future as "20 to 80": only the rich accounting for 20% of the world’s population matters; while the other 80% poor people who are mainly concentrated in the Third World neither has the ability nor necessity to exist in the world anymore.

  However, every dog has its day. Not long before the voice of disappearance of the Third World died away, the financial crisis storm covered the entire western world with haze sky. There were less rosy description about the West on the political agenda of the western world; in contrast, the status of the Third World was lifted up in a steep manner, suddenly transferring from an abandoned world into a promising one. In April 2009, on the eve of G20 summit in London, the mainstream media highlighted that "the influence of emerging economies are growing", "the number of middle class in Asian emerging countries has exceeded that in the West", "with the power transferring to the emerging countries, the West is losing its advantage", "the BRIC countries has become the sole source of the world's demand growth and the drive of world economy in 2009", "the Third World countries, at least, the so-called BRIC countries and emerging economies will get out of the crisis first". On March 23, Soros pitched the tone with an article focusing the attention of the G20 summit on the Third World countries -- what he called the "periphery countries" -- "should become the central issue".

  People are used to come to the conclusion that the history gets to a turning point due to the decline of the West. However, this is just one aspect of the picture. The Third World has more important and fundamental significance which is to keep alert of the threat, boasting and thriller from the tigers and wolfs in the dark, to spit on the "slave beyond redemption", to arouse the confidence in creating history and the respect to their national hero, leader of the people, to begin to find themselves, to draw their the boundaries of good and evil, and to take steps to defend their interests.

  The ten reasons to attach importance to the Third World

  To understand the development of the Third World from the height of the human development has become the primary issue of the historical process of the world.

  The first reason is that the population in the Third World accounts for most of the world’s population. All the movements that are only joined by a minority number of people and just serve the interests of the minority are destined to fail in the end. Only those movements joined by a majority number of people and serve the interests of the majority has the historical rationality and vitality. Those who despise, ignore and abandon the vast majority only expose their narrow, stupid and short-sighted political view. This applies to both a country in particular and the world in general.

  The second reason is that the people in the Third World are the main power to drive the world history.

  The Third World is the phenomenon of the international relations and world history since the formation of capitalist era. The Third World people are both the creator of enormous material wealth in the world and the creator of the world civilization. Without the wealth and civilization achievements in Eastern Europe, America, Africa and Asia, the genocide, displacement and destruction of people in the Third World, and the cheap labor free of charge under the oppression of capital, there would be no development of capitalism. Without the echo of the Third World people's support for the struggle of the proletariat in the West, there would be no welfare system that brings benefits to the people in the western countries. Without the natural and social knowledge created and accumulated by the people the Third World for thousands of years, there would be no world civilization of today.

  Every dollar in the Wall Street is mingled with the blood of people from the Third World. Since the modern times, almost all western powers had sucked China’s bone marrow. For instance, the war between China and Japan started from 1894 nourished Japanese. The Global Times (in Chinese) report on August 26, 2008 that Hoover, the 31st President of the United States, was a poor boy before he came to China. However, through both illegal bought of Kaiping coal enterprises during the westernization movement after the boxer rebellion and output of Chinese labor to South Africa, Hoover became the first American millionaire getting rich in China and financed his political career with the wealth plundered from China.

  The third reason is that the development of the Third World is the main and fundamental sign of the world development. The Third World contributes and sacrifices the most to the development of the world. The Third World is the prop and the main force of the world’s development. Without the development of the Third World, the development of the world is scattered, one-sided, sick, or even negative.

  Today, when we talk about development and the theory, mode, strategy and policy issues of development, we only refer to the United States, to be more accurate we only refer to the minority in the United States---the rich people. The focus is put on the wisdom, wealth and racket of this minority without rendering the price paid by the majority in the United States and the world. This is an extreme historical absurdity. There are quite a number of liars billed as researchers on the issue of world development, but avoiding researching on the development of the Third World.

  The fourth reason is that, since the capitalist globalization, the Third World has been oppressed, deprived and marginalized, therefore is the weak one till now. In order to please the western powers so as to be admitted into their so-called "international community" by spitting and despising on the weak is not only foolish and shortsighted, but will also be looked down upon by the gentleman, and therefore is a kind of moral degradation. Today's weak one will be growing into the powerful one as the history moves on. The future belongs to the Third World. In recent years, the decline of western capitalism, especially that of the United States and the rise of the Third World, has become the objective and irreversible trend. This is the dialectics of the world history.

  The fifth reason is that the American hegemony and Neoliberalism have ravaged the world for the past 30 years, which causes comprehensive retrogression of the world history. People in the Third World suffer the most from the disaster of Neoliberalism. This dirty history is coming to an end. In the struggle of saving humanity, exploring and creating the new prospect of human history, people in the Third World is the backbone of the world people and the most powerful, the most extensive allies of the struggle of the proletariat. Struggle of people in the Third World will eventually bury imperialism and eliminate the preconditions of the existence of the Third World. This is the decisive premise for the elimination of global exploitation and oppression; realization of the equality of all the nationalities in all of the countries around the world.

  The sixth reason is that the Third World is the weak link of the global ruling of capitalism. As the joint creation of the world proletariat and people in the Third World, socialism is first established in the Third World as a social system embodies the future of humanity. It applies to the 20th century as well as the 21st century.

  The seventh reason is that the Soviet Union raise from the Third World and became a power but collapsed due to a series of reasons. One lesson is that after the Soviet Union became powerful, its leaders admitted that the Soviet Union no longer belongs to the Third World any more, and they no longer support the struggle against imperialism of the people in the Third World and their efforts to independently build their own country. Instead, the Soviet Union joined in the United States to divide the Third World as sphere of their influence. The betrayal to the Third World was a fundamental reason leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

  The eighth reason is that China also raise from the Third World and becomes a power. In contrast to the Soviet Union, China always insists that China belongs to the Third World, and support the struggle against imperialism of the people in the Third World and their efforts to independently build their own country. China emphasizes that no matter how powerful China could be, China will always belong to the Third World and will never seek hegemony.

  The ninth reason is that people in the Third World are sincere friends of the Chinese people. It is people in the Third World that lifted China up into the United Nations. It is them who are sincerely happy for the healthy development of China and who would always offer selfless aid when China suffers from serious natural disasters.

  The tenth reason is that the attitude toward the Third World is the monitor of social and moral truth and the watershed to differentiate the right from the wrongs in the international community. The proletariat and the Third World share a common fate; the two struggled together for social liberation, national liberation and celebrated the victory together. They both experience the ebbs and flow of world socialist movement and national liberation movement. Anyone who are willing to follow the western authorities’ lead to obliterate the existence of the Third World, to advocate the public or use vague "diplomatic wording" to hide western oppression and plunder on the Third World, or even to identify with western policy to "aim the missiles at the Third World" and "re-colonization", are enablers and traitors to the cause of the people in the Third World and the cause of human progress.

  The development problems of the Third World

  The development of the Third World is the one that creatively explored by the people in the Third World to realize their own interests, according to their own specific conditions and cultural traditions. Instead of deviating from the avenue of human development, such development constitutes a main part of it. Relative to the western development, it is not and should not be appendages, but have its own independent significance.

  Since the 20th century, the Third World has already awaked for twice ---the first awakening raised in the Soviet Union, the second awakening raised in the People's Republic of China, a host of other socialist countries and many Third World countries adhering to national independence and state sovereignty. These two awakenings are the global major historical process for the emancipation of the vast majority of humanity. These two awakenings put an end to the two world wars, collapse the world colonial system, prevent the pace of the imperialism to turn the world into its colonies, provide a relatively long time of peace, and create entirely new experience of how the proletariat and the oppressed people seek for social liberation as well as the development of politics, economy, education, science and technology of the proletariat and the oppressed people. It is the greatest contribution the Third World has made to human history. This kind of contribution would not be covered up and denied because of the global class revenge and national revenge launched by the Neoliberal globalization---this capital - imperialism. It is deeply carved in history. What is brewing in the decline of the West is the third awakening of the Third World.

  The world history since the October Revolution and the collapse of the Soviet Union, highlights the two basic pinpoints of the development of the Third World. One is to always adhere to the state sovereignty and national independence, with comrade Deng Xiaoping's words, “National sovereignty and security should always come first". The other is to always adhere to the comprehensive social progress based on vigorously improving the social productivity.

  The Third World’s reduction to the Third World and its poor and backward status is not innate, but is the result of the intervention, control, invasion, and the rule of the "international practice" formed by the intervention, control and invasion of the imperialist western world. In this kind of world order, any struggle for sovereignty and national independence and any effort to improve the social productivity and to promote all-round social progress always show the significance of progress.

  The development of history is full of twists and turns. The Soviet Union collapsed at the end of the 20th century, while the China's socialist cause thrives in the beginning of the 21st century. In the form of Neoliberalism, Capitalism has been rampant and frantic in sowing hatred, disaster, absurd, and the crisis of its own across the globe. As a result, a new round of struggle and exploration starts again. The fire of socialism is renewed in the Third World.

  The world socialist movement is faced with a new historical crossroad. In the area of the former Soviet Union, miss of socialism becomes the new historical starting point of choice. Social movement like "the 21st century socialism" is booming in Latin America where the rule of the United States is collapsing.

  The fact that China deals with the current crisis more effective than western countries and continues to develop well once again announces the bankruptcy of western democracy and their universal market value. The crux of the whole problem is that China is a socialist country.

  Founded on the ravages of the western powers and the ruins of war last for a hundred years, Socialist China was, upon its founding, faced by blockade, sanctions, embargo, and invasion of the Korean by the United States and other western countries. Domestically, the new China encountered three consecutive years of natural disasters and ten years of the Cultural Revolution. Every few years, China would experience flood, snow disaster, earthquake and the ethnic disputes stirred up by the West. The Asian financial crisis and the current economic crisis are the recent challenges China meets. Every such challenge will set China in a dangerous situation. But at every such critical moment, the nonsense of universal market value is useless at all. What rescues China are the condensation and calling under the party's banner of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought; the correct leadership of the central committee, the intensive re-examination of the overall national situation; the social atmosphere of "hardship at one place will surmount support from across China"; the emergency mobilization organized at all levels of the party; the united struggle of all party comrades and the people of all ethnic groups; the heroism and sacrifice of communist party members, advanced figures and people's own army. This is socialism. Socialism defends China again and again and saves the People’s Republic of China in times of crisis.

  Only socialism can save and develop China is not an empty political slogan, instead it is people's way of life and the way of thinking, and is not completed in a moment but is a historical process.

  Intriguingly, during the current world financial and economic crisis, many media in Europe and the United States speak about that China will save the world. What they meant to say is that only socialism can save the world?

  The world is talking about "the Chinese path". The Chinese people appreciate the attention of goodwill from people across the world; while at the same time keep vigilant to "cracking down" and "flattering" on China by the western mainstream in order to destroy the socialist China.

  In the era of imperialism when China was a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, the introduction of Marxism-Leninism to China turned Chinese’s spirit from passive to active. Its political sign is the birth of the Communist Party of China. As the vanguard of the proletariat, the Communist Party of China from its date of birth, stood on the high ground of Chinese culture, has become a completely new cultural force. In the recent sixth plenary session of the 17th congress of CPC, the party members summarized the experience of the 90 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 60 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and answered the development question of the Third World from the perspective of culture.

  - Culture is the nation's blood and the spiritual home of the people.

  - The Communist Party of China faithfully inherits and carries forward Chinese excellent traditional culture, and actively advocates and develops China's advanced culture.

  - Neither the material poverty nor the spiritual emptiness is socialism. Without the development and prosperity of socialist culture, it is impossible to realize socialist modernization.

  - Geared to the needs of modernization, the world and the future, China's socialist culture is national, scientific and popular.

  - Adhering to the guiding status of Marxism.

  Humans surviving today have experienced both the victory of the world socialist movement and national liberation movement and its global miserable failure. Neo-liberal globalization makes the world be full of shackles, prison and scaffold. But the world is in combustion, forging a new world in the purgatory of capital----a new world that is not decided by the coffers in Wall Street and the missiles in the United States, not re-writtern and covered by western mainstream media, but a world belongs to the people themselves. In this new world, the unique contribution of the Chinese people and the people in the Third World is becoming the new wealth of human civilization.




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